Are you looking to sell your property? Are you a property developer? We can help you show your properties at their best! Get in touch to find out more! 07759 962399

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Wedding Review

Wedding Review

Lovely review left for me today from Kim & Grant who's wedding I photographed in July up at Pittodrie House hotel. They had an amazing day!

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The Echt Show

The Echt Show

I was delighted to be the official photographer at The Echt Show this year. The photos are now on my website to view and purchase from whole day. Great day out and look forward to next year! Echt Show

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Hey there, I´m Vivien and love capture beautiful momments

Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium discere. Nam adhuc percipit et. Viris comprehensam quo ea.


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